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Precautions for long-term charging of electric forklift charging cables

Precautions for long-term charging of electric forklift charging cables
21.10.22 5:22 (отредактировано 21.10.22 5:22)
Electric forklift is an important handling equipment in the factory workshop. Its power source is mainly provided by battery and DC motor. Only by charging with high-quality electric forklift charging line can the service life of the battery be better improved.
The three-phase electric forklift charging line can be powered on for a long time. Although it can be charged for a long time, you can't charge it 24 hours a day, right? The battery charging time is best not to exceed 8 hours. Whether it will damage the rechargeable battery depends on whether your charger is suitable for the fully automatic closed power supply. A fire accident occurs due to overheating.
Notes on charging:
1. The conductive iron clip used for charging the electric forklift must be clamped to prevent it from loosening and causing fire
2. The connected transmission lines must have excellent insulation to prevent short-circuit failures
3. The working voltage and current during charging are not allowed to exceed the processing specification value
4. When the temperature of the lithium battery electrolyte exceeds 45 °C, it should be charged intermittently
5. When charging, control the power switches in sequence, do not disturb, adjust the working voltage and current provided, and do not overload.
6. When the temperature of the non-metallic part of the charging interface is too high, press the stop button of the charger;
7. After confirming that the charging current is displayed as 0A, unplug the charging gun;
8. Close the charging protective cover and the hatch, and place the charging gun in a standardized manner.
Among them, the whole charging process is inseparable from the charging cable. How to choose a suitable and high-quality electric forklift charging cable is more critical. You can contact OMG, the electric vehicle charging cable manufacturer, and we have specialized engineers to provide you with appropriate The charging solution will answer all your doubts.
For more information on electric forklift charging cables, please visit OMG's official website:https://www.omgevcable.com/

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