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Electric vehicle high voltage wiring harness design concept

The high-voltage wiring harness inside the electric vehicle is the connection line between the power battery and the high-voltage junction box, the high-voltage junction box and the motor controller, the charging port and the car charger. The internal wiring space of the car is small, the environment is harsh, and it is often disturbed by external conditions such as oil pollution, high temperature, and salt spray. There are several points that need to be paid attention to when designing it.
The first is wire diameter design: what needs to be considered are the load circuit, rated current, wire and ambient temperature, the reduction factor of the allowable current of the bundled wire harness, and so on.
Verification formula: allowable current value of wire × reduction of energization rate caused by ambient temperature × reduction coefficient caused by bundling > rated current value.
Followed by high-voltage wiring harness design requirements:
1. The design of the high-voltage wiring harness should meet the assembly requirements and component layout requirements of the whole vehicle
2. Provide power and grounding for high-voltage components, and combine with switches and relays to realize functional control of high-voltage equipment
3. Meet the requirements of high voltage and high current use, conventional vehicles meet 600V, commercial vehicles meet 1000V, according to the requirements of high-voltage system components, the current needs to reach 250-400A
4. Meet the temperature requirements of 125 degrees and 150 degrees in special cases, and the service life of the high-voltage wiring harness is higher than the 3000-hour requirement of ordinary cables
5. Shielding effect: EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and RFI (RF Interference) vehicle system problems need to be solved by using appropriate shielding methods.
6. Flexibility and bending resistance, the interior wiring space of the car is small, and the high-voltage wiring harness should be soft enough to hover in a small space.
Do you still want to know more EV high voltage cable information? Please visit the OMG official website:https://www.omgevcable.com/


Вложения: EV cable-OMG.png (1 068,2k), High voltage cable-OMG ..png (351,4k)

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