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Selection principle and precautions of EV energy storage wiring harness

The energy storage wiring harness is an important part of electric vehicles. When the wiring harness is overheated or short-circuited, it is easy to cause a fire and has certain safety hazards. This article mainly shares the selection and precautions of automobile energy storage wiring harness.
The energy storage wiring harness is mainly composed of wires of different specifications and performances. For the convenience of vehicle wiring installation and driving safety, it is usually necessary to wind the entire wiring with cotton yarn or thin PVC tape to protect the insulation of the wires. The specific selection principles are as follows:
1. Selection of the cross-sectional area of ​​the energy storage harness
The cross-sectional area of ​​the energy storage harness wire is generally selected according to the load and current of the electrical equipment. The basic principle is to use 60% of the actual current for electrical equipment that works for a long time, and 60% to 100% of the actual current for electrical equipment that works for a short time. current.
2. Selection of the color of the energy storage harness
There are a lot of electrical equipment on the car, and the number of wires is also increasing. In order to facilitate the identification and maintenance of electric vehicle electrical equipment, the high and low voltage wires in the car circuit are generally distinguished by different colors.
In the vehicle wire circuit diagram marked with a color code (represented by one or two letters), the wire usually has two selection principles of single color and color, a color line is the former, and the latter is a complementary color.
3. Selection of energy storage harnesses for different parts
(1) A wire with better bending performance should be used between the door and the door body.
(2) The high temperature resistant part usually uses vinyl chloride, polyethylene and other coated wires with good insulation and heat resistance.
(3) In terms of shielding function, in recent years, there have been more and more electromagnetic wave shielding circuits for weak signal lines.
For more information on energy storage wiring harnesses and high-voltage wiring harnesses for electric vehicles, please visit OMG's official website:https://www.omgevcable.com/

Вложения: Electric vehicle high voltage cable-OMG cable.png (667,2k)

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